
Benigne urologie

Krimpen-studie: Natuurlijk beloop van urogenitale klachten bij mannen ouder dan 50 jaar.
METC Rotterdam
Looptijd: 2004 – 2017
Financier: eigen middelen, GSK, Ferring
Afdeling: Urologie UMC Utrecht, Huisartsgeneeskunde Erasmus MC, Huisartsgeneeskunde UMCG
Onderzoeker: Drs. B. van Doorn, Dr. E.T. Kok, Dr. M.H. Blanker, Prof.dr. J.L.H.R. Bosch 

In vivo comparison of air charged catheters with water filled catheters for intravesical and intrarectal pressure recording during urodynamic testing.
METC: 13-170
Looptijd: 2013 – heden
Financier: T- doc company
Afdeling: Urologie
Onderzoeker: Dr. P.F.W.M. Rosier

Ontwikkeling blaas-buikdruk model; fysiek en digitaal.
Looptijd 2014 – heden
Financier: Eigen middelen
Afdeling: Urologie, Afdeling MTKF
Onderzoeker: Dr. P.F.W.M. Rosier

Detrusor voiding contraction and contractility; retrospective analysis of urodynamic analysis versus not invasive signs and symptoms. 
METC: niet WMO plichtig; retrospectief, geanonimiseerd database onderzoek
Looptijd 2012 – heden
Financier: Ono Pharma
Afdeling: Urologie
Onderzoeker: Dr. P.F.W.M. Rosier

Ontwikkeling minimaal invasieve detrusor activiteitsmeter.
Looptijd 2012 (ontwikkeling en bouwen prototype) – heden
Financier: Eigen middelen
Afdeling: Urologie, Afdeling MTKF
Onderzoeker: Dr. P.F.W.M. Rosier

Ontwikkeling van: Utrechtse Blaasfunctie Vragenlijst, Testversie Lente 2015.
7METC: 15-247 niet WMO plichtig
Looptijd: 2015 - heden
Financier: eigen middelen
Afdeling: Urologie
Onderzoeker: Dr. P.F.W.M. Rosier

Analyse van uroflowmetriecurves bij vrouwen.
METC: niet WMO plichtig
Looptijd 2014 - heden
Financier: eigen middelen
Afdeling Urologie
Onderzoekers: Drs. M.R. Sorel, Dr. L.M.O. de Kort, Dr. P.F.W.M. Rosier, Prof.dr.ir. B.J. Geurts (TU Twente)

Analyse van detrusoronderactiviteit m.b.v. pressure flow studies.
METC: niet WMO plichtig
Looptijd: 2015 - heden
Financier: eigen middelen
Afdeling: Urologie
Onderzoekers: Drs. C.S. Ten Donkelaar, Dr. P.F.W.M. Rosier, Dr. L.M.O. de Kort

Long term follow up in boys operated for hypospadias. 
METC: 11-099
Looptijd: 2011– lopend
Financier: eigen middelen
Afdeling: Urologie
Onderzoeker: Drs. S.P. Rynja, Dr. L.M.O. de Kort, Prof.dr. T.P.V.M. de Jong en Prof.dr. J.L.H.R. Bosch

Tissue engineering van de urethra en corpus spongiosum.
METC: 15-393 (verklaring niet WMO-plichtig)
Looptijd: 2014 – lopend
Financier: eigen middelen
Afdeling: Urologie
Onderzoekers: Dr. L.M.O. de Kort, Dr. P. de Graaf, Prof.dr. J.L.H.R. Bosch

Profiling PSA glycosylation as putative prostate cancer biomarker by high resolution native mass spectrometry.
METC: 15 - 096
Looptijd: 2015 – jan 2017 (afgesloten)
Financier: eigen middelen
Afdeling: Urologie
Onderzoekers: Dr. R.P. Meijer, Dr. L.M.O. de Kort

Registratie van patiënten met het extrofie-epispadie complex: fysieke en psychosociale uitkomsten.
METC: 17-319c
Looptijd 2017 – heden
Financier: Urologie
Onderzoekers: Dr L.M.O. de Kort, Dr Y. Zhu

A phase III, multicentre, randomised, double blind, parallel group, placebo controlled study to assess the efficacy and safety of one or more intradetrusor treatments of 600 or 800 units of Dysport® for the treatment of urinary incontinence in subjects with neurogenic detrusor overactivity due to spinal cord injury or multiple sclerosis.
METC: 16-808
Looptijd: 2017 – 2018
Financier: IPSEN
Onderzoekers: Dr. L.M.O. de Kort, Drs. D. de Waard, Dr. M.I.A. Wyndaele

METC: 15-393
Looptijd: juli 2015 - lopend
Financier: eigen middelen
Afdeling: Urologie
Onderzoekers: Dr. P. de Graaf, Dr. L.M.O. de Kort

METC: 17-777
Looptijd: december 2017 - Lopend
Financier: eigen middelen
Afdeling: Urologie
 Onderzoekers: Dr. P. de Graaf, Dr. L.M.O. de Kort

Oncologische urologie

A phase II validation of in vivo Raman spectroscopy for bladder cancer diagnosis.
METC: 11-262
Looptijd: 2011 – heden
Financier: Eigen middelen oncologische urologie
Onderzoekers: Drs. M. Agenant, Drs. O. Wegelin, Dr. C. van Swol, Dr. G.N. Jonges, Prof.dr. J.L.H.R. Bosch.

MRI to quantify renal tumor motion: an observational study in order to develop a radiation treatment for renal cancer.
METC: 11 - 999
Looptijd: 2011-2017
Financier: Afdeling Radiotherapie
Onderzoekers: Drs. F.M. Prins, Dr. L. Kerkmeijer, Dr. M.M. Barendrecht.

PROKEUS – Factors influencing choice of treatment, quality of life and decisional regret in patients with localized prostate cancer.
METC: 14 – 284; niet WMO plichtig.
Looptijd: 2014 - heden
Financier: Eigen middelen, GlaxoSmithKline, European Association of Urology.
Onderzoekers: Drs. M-A. van Stam, Dr. H.G. van der Poel, Prof.dr. S. Horenblas, Prof.dr. N. Aaronson, Prof.dr. J.L.H.R. Bosch.

Profiling PSA glycosylation as putative prostate cancer biomarker by high resolution native mass spectrometry.
METC: 15 - 096
Looptijd: 2015 - heden
Financier: Urologie
Onderzoekers: Dr. R.P. Meijer, Dr. L.M.O. de Kort

Kies Gerust op Maat – Optimalisatie van het Kies Gerust Gesprek voor patienten met kanker [onder andere prostaatkanker].
METC: 16 – 654
Looptijd: 2016 – heden
Financier: Juliuscentrum en Cancer Center.
Onderzoekers: Drs. E. Noteboom, Dr. C. Helsper, Dr. A. May, Prof.dr. E. van der Wall, Prof.dr. N. de Wit.
Chirurgische aspecten bij diagnostiek en behandeling van kiemceltumoren van de testis.
Looptijd: 2016 – heden.
Financier: Cancer Center, Astellas.
Onderzoekers: Drs. J.M. Blok, Prof.dr. S. Horenblas, Dr. R.P. Meijer, Prof.dr. J.L.H.R. Bosch

TED-kousen, Een last en een noodzaak?
METC: 14-625 niet WMO plichtig
Looptijd: 2014 – heden
Financier: eigen middelen
Afdeling: Urologie
Onderzoeker: Dr. R.P. Meijer

METC: 12-093 HUB-cancer
Looptijd: 2016 - heden
Financier: Hubrecht Instituut
Afdeling: Oncologische Urologie
Onderzoeker: Dr. R.P. Meijer

Radical Cystectomy Evaluation. Comparative Effectiveness Study of Open versus Robot Assisted Laparoscopic Surgery (RACE-trial)
METC: 17-132C
Looptijd: 2017 - heden
Financier: ZonMW (Radboudumc)
Afdeling: Oncologische Urologie
Onderzoeker: Dr. R.P. Meijer

Treatment of High Grade Non-Muscle Invasive Urothelial Carcinoma of the Bladder by Standard Number and Dose of Intravesical BCG Instillations Versus Reduced Number of Intravesical Instillations with Standard Dose of BCG. A European (NIMBUS-trial)
METC: Radboudumc
Looptijd: 2017 - heden
Financier: EAU-RF
Afdeling: Oncologische Urologie
Onderzoeker: Dr. R.P. Meijer


Sensorische responsiviteit en blaasproblemen bij kinderen met en zonder autisme spectrum stoornis.
METC: 15-099/C
Looptijd: 2014 – heden
Financier: eigen middelen
Afdeling: Medische psychologie en maatschappelijk werk / Kinderurologie
Onderzoeker: A.J. Nieuwhof-Leppink


Benigne urologie

Abrams, P, Damaser, MS, Niblett, P, Rosier, PFWM, Toozs-Hobson, P, Hosker, G, Kightley, R & Gammie, A (2017) Air filled, including "air-charged," catheters in urodynamic studies: does the evidence justify their use? Neurourology and urodynamics, vol 36, no. 5, pp. 1234-1242.

Abrams, P, Gammie, A, Damaser, MS, Toozs-Hobson, P, Hosker, G, Kightley, R, Niblett, P & Rosier, PFWM (2017) Re: Industry response: Abrams P, Damaser MS, Niblett P et al. Air filled, including "air-charged," catheters in urodynamic studies: Does the evidence justify their use? Neurourol Urodyn. 2016 Aug 31 Neurourology and urodynamics, vol 36, no. 7, pp. 1946

Adriaansen, JJE, van Asbeck, FWA, Bongers-Janssen, HMH, Spijkerman, D, Visser-Meily, JMA, de Kort, LMO, Post, MWM & ALLRISC (2017) Description of urological surveillance and urologic ultrasonography outcomes in a cohort of individuals with long-term spinal cord. Injury Topics in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation, vol 23, no. 1, pp. 78-87.

Adriaansen, JJE, van Asbeck, FWA, Tepper, M, Faber, WX, Visser-Meily, JMA, Heck-de Kort, L & Post, MWM (2017) Bladder-emptying methods, neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction and impact on quality of life in people with long-term spinal cord injury. Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine, vol 40, no. 1, pp. 43-53.

d'Ancona, CAL, Gomes, MJ & Rosier, PFWM (2017) ICS teaching module: Cystometry (basic module). Neurourology and urodynamics, vol 36, no. 7, pp. 1673-1676.

Badawi, JK, Bosch, R, Djurhuus, JC & Hanna-Mitchell, AT (2017) Is testosterone important in LUT function in men and women?: ICI-RS 2015 Neurourology and urodynamics, vol 36, no. 4, pp. 859-862.

de Graaf, P, van der Linde, EM, Rosier, PFWM, Izeta, A, Sievert, KD, Bosch, JLHR & de Kort, LMO (2017) Systematic review to compare urothelium differentiation with urethral epithelium differentiation in fetal development, as a basis for tissue engineering of the male urethra. Tissue engineering. Part B. Reviews, vol 23, no. 3, pp. 257-267.

Digesu, GA, Gargasole, C, Hendricken, C, Gore, M, Kocjancic, E, Khullar, V & Rosier, PF (2017) ICS teaching module: Ambulatory urodynamic monitoring. Neurourology and urodynamics, vol 36, no. 2, pp. 364-367.

Donkelaar S, CT, Rosier, P & de Kort, L (2017) Comparison of three methods to analyze detrusor contraction during micturition in men over 50 years of age. Neurourology and urodynamics, vol 36, no. 8, pp. 2153-2159.

Gajewski, JB, Rosier, PFWM, Rahnama'i, S & Abrams, P (2017) Do we assess urethral function adequately in LUTD and NLUTD?: ICI-RS 2015 Neurourology and urodynamics, vol 36, no. 4, pp. 935-942.

Gammie, A, D'Ancona, C, Kuo, HC & Rosier, PFW (2017) ICS teaching module: Artefacts in urodynamic pressure traces (basic module). Neurourology and urodynamics, vol 36, no. 1, pp. 35-36.

Klaver, P, de Boorder, T, Rem, AI, Lock, TMTW & Noordmans, HJ (2017) In vitro comparison of renal stone laser treatment using fragmentation and popcorn technique. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, vol 49, no. 7, pp. 698-704.

Kummeling, MTM, Rosier, PFWM, Elzevier, HW & Groenendijk, PM (2017) Continuous urethral pressure measurements; measurement techniques; pressure variations; clinical interpretations; and clinical relevance: A Systematic Literature Analysis. Neurourology and urodynamics, vol 36, no. 1, pp. 51-56.

Rademakers, K, Drake, MJ, Gammie, A, Djurhuus, JC, Rosier, PFWM, Abrams, P & Harding, C (2017) Male bladder outlet obstruction: Time to re-evaluate the definition and reconsider our diagnostic pathway? ICI-RS 2015 Neurourology and urodynamics, vol 36, no. 4, pp. 894-901.

Rosier, P (2017) Clinical -not cystometric-prediction of bladder outflow obstruction in elderly male patients. The Journal of Urology, vol 197, no. 4, pp. E154-E155.

Rosier, P (2017) Voiding initial opening pressure, flow acceleration and mean contraction velocity during voiding. What do they tell us about detrusor contractility? Neurourology and urodynamics, vol 36, pp. S102-S103.

Rosier, PFWM, Schaefer, W, Lose, G, Goldman, HB, Guralnick, M, Eustice, S, Dickinson, T & Hashim, H (2017) International Continence Society good urodynamic practices and terms 2016: urodynamics, uroflowmetry, cystometry, and pressure-flow study. Neurourology and urodynamics, vol 36, no. 5, pp. 1243-1260.

Sakalis, VI, Karavitakis, M, Bedretdinova, D, Bach, T, Bosch, JLHR, Gacci, M, Gratzke, C, Herrmann, TR, Madersbacher, S, Mamoulakis, C, Tikkinen, KAO, Gravas, S & Drake, MJ (2017) Medical treatment of nocturia in men with lower urinary tract symptoms: systematic review by the european association of urology guidelines panel for male lower urinary tract symptoms. European Urology, vol 72, no. 5, pp. 757-769.

Soeterik, TFW, Veenboer, PW, Oude-Ophuis, RJ & Lock, TM (2017) Electroejaculation in patients with spinal cord injuries: A 21-year, single-center experience International Journal of Urology, vol 24, no. 2, pp. 157-161.

Sorel, MR, Reitsma, HJB, Rosier, PFWM, Bosch, RJLHR & de Kort, LMO (2017) Uroflowmetry in healthy women: A systematic review Neurourology and urodynamics, vol 36, no. 4, pp. 953–959.

Sorel, MR, Reitsma, JB, Rosier, PF, Bosch, RJ & de Kort, LM (2017) Uroflowmetry in healthy women: A systematic review. Neurourology and urodynamics, vol 36, no. 7, pp. 1954-1954. Letter to the editor.

Ten Donkelaar, CS, Houwert, AC, Ten Kate, FJW & Lock, MTWT (2017) Polypoid arteriovenous malformation of the ureter mimicking a fibroepithelial polyp, a case report. BMC Urology, vol 17, no. 1, 55.

Vahabi, B, Wagg, AS, Rosier, PFWM, Rademakers, KLJ, Denys, M-A, Pontari, M, Lovick, T, Valentini, FA, Nelson, PP, Andersson, K-E & Fry, CH (2017) Can we define and characterize the aging lower urinary tract?: ICI-RS 2015 Neurourology and urodynamics, vol 36, no. 4, pp. 854-858.

Valentini, F, Rosier, P & Nelson, P (2017) Are nomograms based on free uroflows helpful to evaluate urethral obstruction in men? The Journal of Urology, vol 197, no. 4, pp. E747-E747.

Valentini, F, Rosier, P & Nelson, P (2017) Modeling allows proposing concurrent evaluation of bladder outlet obstruction (boo) in men from only free uroflows. Neurourology and urodynamics, vol 36, pp. S453-S454.

Valentini, FA, Rosier, P & Nelson, P (2017) Are nomograms based on free uroflows helpful to evaluate urethral obstruction in men? Neurourology and urodynamics, vol 36, pp. S55-S56.

Publicaties scientific, peer-reviewed


Muller, I, Zonnenberg, BA, Jonges, TGN & Lock, TMTW (2017) Case report. Een paraganglioom in de blaas. Tijdschrift voor Urologie, vol 7, no. 1, pp. 30-32.

Ottenhof, SR, de Graaf, P, Soeterik, TFW, Neeter, LMFH, Zilverschoon, M, Spinder, M, Bosch, JLHR, Bleys, RLAW & de Kort, LMO (2017) Architectuur van het corpus spongiosum: een anatomische studie. Tijdschrift voor Urologie, vol 7, no. 8, pp. 178-187.

Hoofdstukken in boeken

Bosch, JLHR (2017) Sacral neuromodulation in the treatment of female overactive bladder syndrome and non-obstructive urinary retention [Chapter 48]. in L Cardozo & D Staskin (eds), Textbook of female urology and urogynecology. 4 edn, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Roton, Fl, USA, pp. 559-565.

Castro Diaz, D, Robinson, D, Bosch, JLHR, Costantini, E, Cotterill, N, Espuna-Pons, M, Kocjancic, E, Lemos, N, Tarcan, T & Yoshida, M (2017) Initial assessment of urinary incontinence in adult male and female patients [Committee 5A]. in P Abrams, L Cardozo, A Wagg & A Wein (eds), Incontinence. 6th edition, 2017; Volume 1. 6 edn, vol. 1, ICUD ICS 2016, pp. 497-540.

Castro Diaz, D, Robinson, D, Bosch, JLHR, Costantini, E, Cotterill, N, Espuna-Pons, M, Kocjancic, E, Lemos, N, Tarcan, T & Yoshida, M (2017) Patient-reported outcome assessment [Committee 5B]. in P Abrams, L Cardozo, A Wagg & A Wein (eds), Incontinence. 6th edition, 2017; Volume 1.  6 edn, vol. 1, ICUD ICS 2016, pp. 541-598.

Oncologische urologie

Groen, VH, Lock, TMTWT, Keizer, BD, Horenblas, S & Meijer, RP (2017) Urothelial carcinoma in an orthotopic neobladder: An unusual pattern of recurrence and metastasis. BMJ Case Reports [E], vol (2017) bcr-2017-221052.

Maenhout, M, Peters, M, van Vulpen, M, Moerland, MA, Meijer, RP, van den Bosch, MAAJ, Nguyen, PL, Frank, SJ & van der Voort van Zyp, JRN (2017) Focal mri-guided salvage high-dose-rate brachytherapy in patients with radiorecurrent prostate cancer. Technology in cancer research & treatment, vol 16, no. 6, pp. 1194-1201.

Maenhout, M, Van Vulpen, M, Moerland, M, Peters, M, Meijer, R, Van Den Bosch, M, Nguyen, P, Frank, S & Van Der Voort Van Zyp, J (2017) Second salvage high-dose-rate brachytherapy for radiorecurrent prostate cancer. Journal of Contemporary Brachytherapy [E], vol 9, no. 2, pp. 161-166.

Mullenders, J, de Jongh, E, Brousali, A, Roosen, M, Jonges, TGN, Meijer, R & Clevers, H (2017) Urothelial organoids: a novel culture method for bladder cancer. Urologic Oncology: Seminars and Original Investigations, vol 35, no. 10, pp. 616-616.

Prins, FM, Kerkmeijer, LGW, Pronk, AA, Vonken, EJPA, Meijer, RP, Bex, A & Barendrecht, MM (2017) Renal cell carcinoma: alternative nephron-sparing treatment options for small renal masses, a systematic review. Journal of Endourology, vol 31, no. 10, pp. 963-975.

van Stam, MA, van der Poel, HG, Bosch, JLHR, Tillier, CN, Horenblas, S, Mols, F & Aaronson, NK (2017) Prevalence and correlates of mental health problems in prostate cancer survivors: A case-control study comparing survivors with general population peers. Urologic Oncology: Seminars and Original Investigations, vol 35, no. 8, pp. 531.e1-531.e7.

Wegelin, O, Melick, HHE, Hooft, L, Bosch, JLHR, Reitsma, HB, Barentsz, JO & Somford, DM (2017) Comparing three different techniques for magnetic resonance imaging-targeted prostate biopsies: a systematic review of in-bore versus magnetic resonance imaging-transrectal ultrasound fusion versus cognitive registration. Is there a preferred technique? European Urology, vol 71, no. 4, pp. 517–531.

Publicaties scientific, peer-reviewed

Meijer, RP, Zlotta, AR & van Rhijn, BWG (2017) Bladder cancer: high-grade non-muscle invasive disease. in Oxford Textbook of Urological Surgery, (2017) 1st Edition, Section 6, Chapter 20. pp. 638-644.

Hoofdstuk in boek


van Baalen, S, Leemans, A, Dik, P, Lilien, MR, ten Haken, B & Froeling, M (2017) Intravoxel incoherent motion modeling in the kidneys: Comparison of mono-, bi-, and triexponential. fit Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, vol 43, no. 1, pp. 228–239. 

Chrzan, R, Panek, W, Kuijper, CF, Dik, P, Klijn, AJ, de Mooij, KL & de Jong, TP (2017) Short-term complications after pyeloplasty in children with lower urinary tract anomalies. Urology, vol 100, pp. 198-202 

Dobrowolska-Glazar, BA, Groen, LA, Nieuwhof-Leppink, AJ, Klijn, AJ, de Jong, TPVM & Chrzan, R (2017), Open and Laparoscopic Colposuspension in Girls with Refractory Urinary Incontinence Frontiers in pediatrics, vol 5, pp. 284.

Von Gontard, A, De Jong, TPVM, Badawi, JK, O'Connell, KA, Hanna-Mitchell, AT, Nieuwhof-Leppink, A & Cardozo, L (2017), Psychological and physical environmental factors in the development of incontinence in adults and children: A comprehensive review. Journal of wound, ostomy, and continence nursing: WOCN, vol 44, no. 2, pp. 181-187. 

Hennus, PML, Hoenjet, E, Kieft, JH, de Jong, TPVM & de Kort, LMO (2017) The long-term effect of superficial bladder neck incision on ejaculation and incontinence in boys with primary and secondary bladder neck obstruction Frontiers in Pediatrics, vol 5, 152.

Hennus, PML, van den Hoek, J, Hoes, AW, Groenwold, RHH, Bosch, JLR, de Jong, TPVM & de Kort, LMO (2017) Long-term effect of conservative treatment versus low threshold endoscopic desobstruction on urine incontinence and urgency in boys with persistent overactive bladder symptoms: A cohort study Neurourology and urodynamics, vol 36, no. 7, pp. 1924-1929.

Polm, PD, de Kort, LMO, de Jong, TPVM & Dik, P (2017) Techniques Used to Create Continent. Catheterizable Channels: A Comparison of Long-term Results in Children Urology, vol 110, pp. 192-195.

Schroeder, R, de Mooij, K, Groen, L, Dik, P, Kuijper, C, Klijn, A & de Jong, T (2017) Static and dynamic ultrasound imaging to visualize the bladder, bladder neck, urethra, and pelvic floor in children with daytime incontinence. Frontiers in Pediatrics, vol 5, 247.

Publicaties scientific, peer-reviewed


Benigne urologie

Bosch JLHR Urodynamics in neurourology. ESU Course 17: Lower urinary tract dysfunction and urodynamics. During EAU 32st annual meeting, London [UK], March 24-28, 2017

Bosch JLHR  Urodynamics in men. ESU Course 17: Lower urinary tract dysfunction and urodynamics. During EAU 32st annual meeting, London [UK], March 24-28, 2017

Bosch JLHR, Thalmann GN, Wagg A Moderation Poster Session 50: Geriatrics in Urological Disorders. During EAU 32st annual meeting, London [UK], March 24-28, 2017

Bosch JLHR Experience with the use of buccal mucosa in urethral surgery. Urethral surgery: An intensive interactive training programme (IITP).Visiting Professorship at KCMC, Moshi, Tanzania, April 18-22, 2017

Bosch JLHR Experience with high (posterior) urethral strictures after pelvic trauma. Urethral surgery: An intensive interactive training programme (IITP). Visiting Professorship at KCMC, Moshi, Tanzania, April 18-22, 2017

Bosch JLH Ruud The older patient. Astellas Symposium “Latest Perspectives in OAB Treatment”, During ICS 2017, Florence, Italy, September 14, 2017

Bosch R Antimuscarinic drugs and brain damage: what is the risk? ELUTS-2017 symposium, Berlijn [D], October 12-14, 2017

Bosch R Bladder substitution by bowel in reconstruction for benign disease. 12th J. Lester Eshleman Urology Workshop KCMC, Moshi, Tanzania, November 21-25, 2017

Van den Dungen I, Rynja S, Bosch R, de Jong T, de Kort L Preputiumplastiek versus circumcisie in distale hypospadie correcties: complicaties en functionele lange termijn followup. Abstract 10. Voorjaarsvergadering NVU, Den Bosch, 11-12 mei 2017; TvU 7 [Suppl. Voorjaarsvergadering,mei]: 9-10, 2017

de Graaf P, Ramadan R, Linssen EC, Staller NA, Hendrickx APA, Pigot GLS, Meuleman EJH, Bouman M, Özer M, Bosch JLHR, de Kort LMO The human corpus spongiosum is a multilayered structure. TERMIS EU2017 meeting, posterpresentation, Davos, Zwitserland, June 28, 2017

Rosier PFWM International Continence Society Good Urodynamic Practices and Terms 2016 (invited presentation). 2017 Annual Conference of Surgery Henan Province, Zhengzhou, China, December 3, 2017.

Rosier PFWM  Analysis of voiding: Pressure flow analysis (invited presentation). 2017 Annual Conference of Surgery Henan Province, Zhengzhou, China, December 3, 2017.

van Gool J,  Klijn A, Goudoever H Years of working with Tom de Jong. Farewell symposium prof Tom de Jong. Utrecht, October 12, 2017

de Graaf P, van Velthoven M, Ramadan R, Klotz BJ, Gawlitta D, Castilho MD, Malda J, Costa PF, de Kort LMO Gel casting as an approach for tissue engineering of multilayered tubular structures: application for urethral reconstruction. BioFabrication2017: International conference on Biofabrication, presentation (by Castilho, MD), Beijing, China, October 17, 2017

de Kort LMO Transitional care for adolescents with bladder exstrophy. Farewell symposium prof Tom de Jong. Utrecht, October 12, 2017

Lock MTWT AlliumÒ-stent voor ureterobstructie: Eerste ervaringen in vier Nederlandse klinieken. Najaarsvergadering NVU, NBC Congrescentrum, Nieuwegein, 3 november 2017

Rosier PFWM Why women >50 years have ineffective voiding (poster). EPIDEMIOLOGY OF AGEING AND DETRUSOR CONTRACTION ACTIVITY.  4th international meeting CURE-DUA, Washington, USA, March 9, 2017

Rosier PFWM Urodynamics for experts. Nurses Educational Course in Urodynamics, 18th EAUN Annual Meeting, London, March 25, 2017

Rosier PFWM Hands On Training in Urodynamics: Urodynamics: Pressure flow analysis Artefacts and errors. London33th EAU Annual Meeting, London, March 26, 2017

Rosier PFWM Why women >50 years have ineffective voiding (poster). EPIDEMIOLOGY OF AGEING AND DETRUSOR CONTRACTION ACTIVITY.  4th international meeting CURE-DUA, Washington, USA, March 9, 2017

Rosier PFWM Urodynamics for experts; Nurses Educational Course in Urodynamics. 18th EAUN Annual Meeting, London, March 25, 2017

Rosier PFWM Hands On Training in Urodynamics: Urodynamics: Pressure flow analysis Artefacts and errors , London33th EAU Annual Meeting, London, March 26, 2017

Rosier PFWM Who is likely to be safe on conservative management for LUTS-BPH? 33th EAU Annual Meeting, London, March 27, 2017

Rosier PFWM Innovations in urodynamics and diagnostics (chairman, poster session). 33th EAU Annual Meeting, London, March 27, 2017

Rosier PFWM Prospective simultaneous comparison of fluid filled versus air filled pressure systems during clinical cystometry. 33th EAU Annual Meeting, London, March 27, 2017

Rosier PFWM The truth behind the dunes.... 33th EAU Annual Meeting Dutch, London, March 27, 2017

Rosier PFWM Clinical – not cystometric – prediction of bladder outflow obstruction in eldery male patients. AUA, Boston, May 12, 2017

Rosier PFWM Urodynamic Findings in Older Adults with LUTS (invited presentation).  Geriatric Urology Society, AUA, Boston, May 14, 2017

Rosier PFWM Quality in Urodynamics: The ICS documents on good urodynamic practice and on urodynamic equipment performance (invited presentation). National Congress of SIUD, Varese (It), June 8, 2017

Rosier PFWM Introducing new techniques in healthcare. 6th ICI-RS international meeting, Bristol, June 10, 2017

Rosier PFWM How can we maximise the diagnostic utility of uroflow? 6th ICI-RS international meeting, Bristol, June 10, 2017

Rosier PFWM  Future perspectives for the ICS Urodynamics Committee (committee presentation). ICS International annual meeting, Florence, September 12, 2017

Rosier PFWM New ICS document on Good Urodynamic Practice (presentation, chairman).  Satellite symposium Practical Urodynamics. International annual meeting, Florence, September 13, 2017

Rosier PFWM Voiding initial opening pressure, flow acceleration and mean contraction velocity during voiding. What do they tell us about detrusor contractility? International annual meeting, Florence, September 13, 2017

Rosier PFWM Present and future role of urodynamics in LUTS evaluation (chairman ICS round table).  International annual meeting, Florence, September 14, 2017

Rosier PFWM Modeling allows proposing concurrent evaluation of bladder outlet obstruction (boo) in men from only free uroflows (poster).  International annual meeting, Florence, September 15, 2017

Rosier PFWM What has head to head comparison of fluid versus air filled pressure systems during clinical cystometry and pressure flow measurement learnt us (poster)? International annual meeting, Florence, September 15, 2017

Rosier PFWM Presentation Workshop ICS Urodynamics Modules: ICS Good Urodynamic Practices 2016. International annual meeting, Florence, September 15, 2017

Rosier PFWM International Continence Society Good Urodynamic Practices and Terms 2016 (presentation). 5th National Congress on Functional Urology and Urodynamics, Antalya, Turkey, October 6, 2017

Rosier PFWM Urodynamic Quantification of Detrusor Contraction and Detrusor Underactivity During Voiding (invited presentation). 5th National Congress on Functional Urology and Urodynamics, , Antalya, Turkey, October 7, 2017

Rosier PFWM Lower Urinary Tract Function and physiology (& urodynamics)  (invited presentation). 2017 Annual Conference of Surgery Henan Province, Zhengzhou, China, December 3, 2017.

Rosier PFWM  ICS Urodynamics Institute Course in Urodynamics (chairman). 2017 First ICS Education Regional Course North America, Phoenix Arizona USA, December 7, 2017

Rosier PFWM  Physiology of the lower urinary tract and urodynamics (presentation). 2017 First ICS Education Regional Course North America, Phoenix Arizona USA, December 7, 2017

Rosier PFWM  Urodynamics: 3 experts discuss cases and traces and you are invited to join the discussion (grand clinical round). 2017 First ICS Education Regional Course North America, Phoenix Arizona USA, December 7, 2017

Rosier PFWM  The ICS standard Urodynamic Report (presentation). 2017 First ICS Education Regional Course North America, Phoenix Arizona USA, December 7, 2017

Uren A, Cotterill N, Lasch K, Deshpande C, King-Kallimanis B, van Koeveringe G, Harding C, Oelke M, Chapple C, Hillary C, Belal M, Bosch R, Blok B, Klaver M, Bongaerts D, Hakimi Z, Abrams P: Pilot assessment of the psychometric properties of the ICIQ-UAB patient reported outcome instrument in patients with detrusor underactivity. Abstract 537; ICS 47th annual meeting, Florence (I), Sep 12-15, 2017, Neurourol Urodyn 36[Suppl 3]: pp S537, 2017

Oncologische urologie

Lamers Romy, Cuypers Maarten, de Vries Marieke, van der Poll-Franse Lonneke, Bosch Ruud, Kil Paul The effect of a preference sensitive online decision aid on localized prostate cancer treatment: first results of a randomized cluster controlled trial. AUA annual meeting, Boston, May 12-16, 2017; Podium Session PD47-07 [abstract 17-2418]. J Urol 197(suppl): e 2418, 2017

Blok JM, Kerst JM, Vegt E, Meijer RP, Bosch JLHR, Bex A, van der Poel HG, Horenblas S Schildwachtklierprocedure bij klinisch stadium-I testistumor. Voordracht Najaarsvergadering NVU Nieuwegein, 3 november 2017. TvU [Suppl Najaarsverg] 7: pag 3 [abstract 2], 2017

van Stam MA, van der Poel HP, van der Voort van Zyp JRN, Tillier CN, Horenblas S, Aaronson NA, Bosch JLHR Patients’ perceptions of the risks of localized prostate cancer treatments prior to treatment. International Meeting of the European Association of Urology, London, March 24-28, 2017; Poster session 71 [Abstract 939]: Survivorship in prostate cancer: “ It’s all about patients”. Eur Urol Suppl 16(3): e939, 2017


Mooij de KL Off label treatment of bladder dysfunction. ESPU masterclass,  Manchester, Engeland, June 2, 2017 

Mooij de KL Treatment of urinary incontinence in children = investment in the future. Farewell symposium Prof. Dr. Tom de Jong, UMCU WKZ Utrecht, October 12, 2017

Snoek R, Heus de R, Mooij de KL, Pistorius LR, Bekker MN and Jong de TPVM Congenital solitary functioning kidney, hypertrophy or hyperplasia? – A fetal ultrasound study. ESPU 2017, Barcelona, Spanje, April 21, 2017



P.F.W.M. Rosier

Faculty Member of the year 2017


4th international meeting CURE-DUA, Washington D.C.,
March 9-10, 2017

Snoek R, Heus de R, Mooij de KL, Pistorius LR, Bekker MN and Jong de TPVM

Poster, 1st Prize
Congenital solitary functioning kidney, hypertrophy or hyperplasia? – A fetal ultrasound study.

ESPU 2017, Barcelona, Spanje, April 21, 2017

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